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Turn Your Blog into a 7 figure sales channel

Growing your organic traffic and revenue through SEO content is easy with our tech-enabled process.
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Want The Easiest Way to grow Sales with SEO?

Get conversion-focused SEO and content marketing for a simple monthly rate.
  • SEO Strategy: After an audit and competitor analysis, we'll build a roadmap for increasing rankings, traffic, and conversions.
  • Content Writing: We write and edit blog posts and landing pages that target your ideal customers.
  • Image Creation: We create original images that match your brand and build authority in your niche. 
  • Automated Publishing: We upload and launch content on your website so you don't have to lift a finger. 
  • Website Optimization: We'll build an internal linking strategy, a backlink portfolio, and optimize existing content for higher conversions. 



Blog Post Examples - small

Scalable, Quality SEO Articles

Why Top Brands Choose Us as Content Providers

  • A stacked team for the cost of one hire
    Struggling to hire top SEO Strategists, Content Writers, and Designers? Get more for your money with a fully-staffed team of world-class talent.
  • Highly polished content
    Each article is tailored to your brand. Our writers have industry specific expertise to make sure your articles are factually impeccable.
  • Totally managed content system
    Struggling to find keywords and publish high-quality content? Scale smoothly with a dedicated team leader, a content system, and auto-publishing.
  • Flexible deliverables for a predictable price
    Tired of dealing with slow and expensive agencies that charge you by the hour or deliverable? Sign-up today and get flexible deliverables and ready-to-publish content tomorrow.

[$3.5M Generated in 12 Months]

“Our traffic has already doubled because of Contact Studios. The ROI on their SEO content is off the charts.”
64ca92eef3b24df7d7a9a682_Shaun Nguyen Delta Munchies

Shaun Nguyen
PR Director, Delta Munchies

[ 0 - 550,000 monthly page views in 3 months]

“Thanks to Contact Studios SEO content strategy, our shop went from 30k visitors per month to 150k visitors. We got to sit back and watch content go live and generate traffic like crazy.”

Simon Folmann

[$100k in Revenue from 2 Blog Posts]

“ We’d always known content was extremely important for our business. Contact Studios provided a turn-key solution, from strategy, to content, and design. We got to sit back and get results extremely quickly.”
Mark Pecota

Mark Pecota
CEO, Launchboom

[$260k+monthly page views]

“Contact Studios helped us scale our SEO content from the ground up. Now search is our biggest ROI marketing channel by far. $3 million generated and growing”
64ca92ee77d3a5a666094e82_Dylan Glines

Dylan Glines
CEO, Botany Farms

[200+ Top 3 rankings]

“Contact Studios is easily within the top 1% of SEO and content marketing talent out there.”

Mark Doble
CEO, Alexsei

How It Works

Following your purchase, we'll begin working on your strategy immediately to ensure your content has a fast turnaround.

Step 1


We'll look at all the content on your website to identify gaps and opportunities. We’ll conduct industry research and analyze your competitors' websites for keywords, content, backlinks and structure. 

content dashboard

Step 2


Next we build your SEO strategy,  craft your content strategy and build a list of high-converting keywords. During this time we will also optimize your website's technical SEO.

keyword research

Step 3


After Month 1, We’ll begin scaling content. Our team will create 20,000 words of highly polished SEO articles per month. Depending on your industry, this breaks down to 10-20 articles per month.

end to end content production

Step 4


We’ll add custom images, meta descriptions, internal linking and more. We publish every article for you, so it's 100% hands off and you can be confident you have high-converting content going live consistently. 

Images and uploading

How To Start

Creating SEO Content Has Never Been So Easy

Following your purchase, you'll instantly be emailed a form that will ask key information that will allow us to create the best SEO Strategy and Content possible. It only takes 10 minutes to fill out.

The form will ask you for:

👉 The backend of your website
👉 Your Google Search Console
👉 Your Google Analytics
👉 Your creative assets and brand guidelines
👉 Your ideal customer persona

We will book a kick-off call within 5 business days.  During this meeting we’ll discuss your website’s nuances and more.

We’ll come prepared to the kickoff call with some early insights from our technical audit and your technical SEO checklist.

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Educational Keynotes

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Step 1


To kick things off, our SEO Strategists will build a keyword lists and create your blog outline.

keyword research
end to end content production

Step 2


Our copywriters will research, write and edit highly-polished blog posts that rank high in search engines, and convert readers into leads or paying customers.

Step 3


Finally, we’ll create custom images for your blog and write meta descriptions. So it's instantly ready to publish your SEO-optimized content to your blog.

Images and uploading

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We Are Flexible

Brightlane is a Versatile and Easy-To-Use Theme

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec odio. Quisque volutpat mattis eros. Nullam malesuada erat ut turpis. Suspendisse urna nibh, viverra non, semper suscipit, posuere a, pede. Donec nec justo eget felis facilisis fermentum. Aenean dignissim pellentesque felis.

Ready to Transform your Business with Little Effort Using Brightlane?

Order Now

Start Publishing Top-tier content tomorrow.

Conversion focused SEO content made affordable.

$ 3,750



Get a highly polished SEO blog article that is ready to start ranking and turn readers into customers. 

$ 5,999


Content Pro

SEO strategy with AI-driven content production. Rank for an entire keyword category fast.

$ 9,999



Perfect for brands seeking max efficiency and ROI by outsourcing the entire SEO content process.


book a call today. improve your seo tomorrow.


Our Results speak for themselves

$3.5 Million generated from SEO Content

Delta Munchies hired us to craft customer-focused SEO content to rank high in search engines and generate conversions. The results speak for themselves.
Graph #1

Turning a New Blog into a 7-Figure Sales Channel in 12 Months

Brands like this often come to us with the same problem…

They can't afford to hire the SEO Strategists, Content Managers, Writers, and Designers necessary to scale SEO. 

Finding a reliable SEO service can be tough, and for good reason, it’s a constantly evolving process that can make or break your business. 

One of our clients, Delta Munchies, was a small brand just starting out in a highly competitive and saturated niche. They generated next to nothing from SEO and were barely breaking even on their marketing budget.

Before they knew it, they had burned through their marketing budget with nothing to show.

They knew content was extremely important for their business. 

So they took a bet on us to create their SEO content. 

We focused on creating  content that targeted non branded keywords with buying intent. 

We created highly engaging SEO articles that built domain authority, generated 513 #1 rankings, and boosted conversions to their product landing pages. 

In one year alone, our SEO content generated 2,311,853 in traffic, 56,611 transactions, and $3.5 million in revenue.

How did we do this?

We understand what makes a perfect blog post. 

We've built streamlined operations that can deliver ready-to-publish content at lighting speeds. 

It's a blend of art, science, and a solid SEO strategy that's been fine-tuned and tested over the last 10 years.

That's why top brands use us to get more qualified traffic, sales and revenue through conversion-focused SEO content.

Don't take our word for it...

What Our Clients Are Saying


Ready to start growing sales with SEO content?


Frequently Asked Questions

Will SEO content actually help me grow traffic and make more sales?

SEO is one of the highest-converting marketing channels on the planet. When you look at the stats, it's pretty wild.

👉 53.3% of all website traffic comes from organic search
👉 60% of marketers say that SEO/Content Marketing is their highest quality source of leads
👉 Leads from SEO are 8x more likely to become paying customers
👉 68% of online experiences begin with a search engine

SEO and Content should be cornerstones of every marketing strategy.

Why is Contact Studios a better choice that other SEO content agencies?
Most SEO agencies focus on the technical aspects of SEO, using outdated techniques like PBNs, keyword stuffing, and link buying that turn your website into a ticking time bomb. They don’t know how to create high-quality content at scale.

Most Content agencies know how to string together a sentence but have no idea how to find and win high-value keywords that actually make you money.

Contact Studios is a new kind of SEO service built to give brands the strategy, quality, speed, and scale they need to grow their traffic faster. We create content that people and search bots love.

Why is Contact Studios a better choice than hiring in-house?

Most businesses can't find, train or afford to hire the SEO Strategists, Content Managers, Writers, and Designers necessary to scale SEO. That’s not even counting the time it takes to create a seamless production process.

With Contact Studios, you can buy blog posts off the shelf, and get access to team of the top 1% of SEO strategists, editors, writers, and designers. Simply put, Contact Studios makes content marketing and SEO exponentially more cost-effective and simple.

What is exactly is included with each SEO article?

Each article includes:

👉Keyword research for H1's, H2's, and H3's

👉 Article outline with SEO optimizations

 👉 1,000 - 3,000 words (depending on the keyword) 

👉 1 free revision

👉 2 custom images

👉 Optimized internal links

👉 1 Meta description


What does a comprehensive SEO Strategy entail?

 Our tailored SEO Strategy includes:

👉Technical audit

👉 Content audit

 👉 Content Strategy 

👉 Competitive analysis


👉 Brand download

👉 Keyword research

Are your blog posts Search Optimized and 100% unique?

All  content is edited by our expert team to ensure they are grammatically correct factually impeccable, and highly engaging.

Each SEO article is run through a plagiarism checker that scans the text and internet for any similar copy. 

Lastly SEO team ensures the copy is optimized to rank on Google — without keyword stuffing or getting penalized. 

Can I increase the number of blog posts over time?

Scaling your blog is easy. you can increase output in as little as 24 hours. We recommend you consider our fully staffed package  to benefit from the added benefit of SEO strategy, technical SEO, project management, and monthly reporting for no extra cost. 

Have a question?

Get In Touch

Send us an email and we’ll get back to you promptly.